2 man pick your own team 6 individual holes 6 scramble holes best tee shot 6 alternate shot— each player tees off 3 times  

Turkeyshoot Lakeside

HOW TO SIGN UP Prior to the Tournament the Clubhouse will post the Sign-up Sheet, Tournament Details and will begin collecting entry fees. For additional information please call the Pro Shop (775) 727-4040

Turkey Shoot and Elections

Will be having our turkey shoot with the top five finishers in all three divisions receiving a $15.00 gift certificate to Smith’s. 4 man teams 2 net one gross, pick your own team Elections will follow at the end of the turkey shoot in the back room.


induvidual unless weather is bad, could go to scramble.


Individual Tournament.

Christmas Tournament and Party

Christmas tournament followed by a Christmas party at Coyotes Den Bar, featuring Big Dicks Pizza, tacos, chicken wings and salad. Working on karaoke for the party. All members and wives/girlfriends are invited. Party starts at 2:00 pm. Rain date the 20th.


Idividual with NEW 2019 PGA rules

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