For Bad Weather cancellations: call Steve @ 7:30 AM 702-768-5029 or the pro shop.
Starting November 1st, 8:30 AM show time for 9:00 Am shotgun. Try to be early.
Some 2019 rule changes
1. Search time—Reduced from five minutes to three minutes.
2. Ball moved during search—Replace with no penalty.
3. Embedded ball—Free relief anywhere through the green.
4. Measuring a drop—Use longest club (except putter).
5. Dropping—Drop from knee height rather than from shoulder height.
6. Taking stance on the wrong green is no longer allowed.
7. Ball unintentionally hits player or equipment—No penalty.
8. Double hit—No penalty; now counts as only one shot.
9. Touching sand in bunker incidentally is permitted.
10. Loose impediments can be removed anywhere including hazards.
11. Dropping a ball outside of a bunker—two penalty strokes.
12. Water hazards—Now called “Penalty Areas.”
13. Touching ground in penalty area—No penalty.
14. Ball moves on green after being marked—Replace without penalty.
15. Ball accidentally moved on putting green—Replace without penalty.
16. All damage to green can now be repaired.
17. Positioning a club for alignment is not permitted.
18. Caddie assisting with alignment is now not permitted.
19. Putting with flag stick in the hole is now permitted.
20. Ball wedged against the flag stick and the side of the hole is deemed as holed.
You can now order shirts and hats with our logo $15 for hats, $25 for shirts, including 2XLT and 1 XLT, any color!
How our individual handicap system works. We take your best 5 out 7 rounds.
A big thanks to Mike at Mastertech computers for all of his help in developing this website.